Here Is The Most Frequently Asked Questions
What is Clinical Research?
Before each new drug/ device/ treatment makes it to the established treatment shelf, it has to pass through a lengthy research and approval process which takes around 12 to 16 years. The whole process from the lab to an established form of treatment is called as clinical research and this is where several of professionals are required. The discoveries & innovations in the field medicine have come about with Biomedical Research-of which Clinical Research is one important division. Clinical Research deals with finding the causes of diseases; & thereby find effective remedies & preventive measures against them. If a clinical research study involves testing or studying a drug or medical device to see if it is a safe and effective treatment for people, it is called a “trial.” For example, a clinical trial may test the effectiveness of a new drug for treating Parkinson’s disease. Many new medicines and drugs are found to work in the researcher’s lab, and to be safe and effective in animal tests. But drugs and devices must be proven to be safe and effective for people before the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can approve them and doctors can prescribe them. The FDA has strict rules that govern how clinical trials are conducted. These rules are designed to ensure the safety of those who participate. The most important application of Clinical Research is the study of new drugs and their effects on human subjects with the aim to determine is safety & efficacy which is conducted through an organized Clinical Trial.
Importance of Clinical Research?
Discovery of Penicillin dawned a new era of antibiotics that gave hope against life threatening infections, insulin has literally given a lease of life to millions of people who would otherwise have succumbed to diabetes. Such discoveries have led to a race for finding new drugs. This makes Clinical Research interesting, challenging and rewarding. As new drugs are continuously developed to put an end to human sufferance caused by various diseases, Clinical Research as a career is destined to grow in the future. Clinical Research offers intellectual challenge. It builds a career path one can follow with a sense of pride.
What are the opportunities in Clinical Research ?
In the next few years, many key patents will expire and major pharmaceutical companies will be looking new pharmaceutical products off the laboratory bench and on to the pharmacy shelves. Lot of jobs / opportunities for various professional will be created. This major boom in new pharmaceutical products will occur within the next few years. In order to accommodate this, the pharmaceutical industry is going to transition from pre-clinical research and development to large- Scale Clinical trial work. As such, the industry will witness a sky rocketing demands for research professionals. In depth industry analysis shows that unless serious measures are taken the clinical Trial Sector will face major lack of professionals in the next several years. New fields like biotech which is highly hopeful in India & Globally is set to bring market biopharmaceuticals for which there is an expanding base of demand. Clinical research founds base in various new upcoming fields Nanotechnology, Stem Cell therapies, Biometrics, Booming industry of Devices,Diagnostics & Artificial Organs.
What is the eligibility criteria to get in Clinical Research Industry?
Graduate or Post Graduate in: Life Sciences, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Pharmacy, Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Dentistry and Veterinary Science. acquired.