Five reasons why you should consider a Clinical Research Career

Written by Clini India Mar 16, 2024
Five reasons why you should consider a Clinical Research Career
The Indian Pharmaceutical sector is one of the most booming industries globally and in the domestic market. With an annual turnover of Rs. 1.4 lakh crore (US$ 20.03 billion) in 2019, the Indian pharmaceutical market supplies around 50% of the global demand for various vaccines, 40% of the generic demand for the US, and 25% of all medicines for the UK. India occupies the second-largest share of the pharmaceutical and biotech workforce in the world. It also ranks third worldwide for pharmaceutical production by volume and 14th by value. The country has a well-established domestic pharmaceutical market, with a robust network of 3,000 drug companies and 10,500 manufacturing units.

The backbone of an industry is the Research and Development (R&D), as investment and efforts in R&D boost the efficiency, enabling the companies to become a leading partner in the competitive market. Thus, working in pharmaceuticals and paramedical healthcare sciences can help you get involved in one of the country’s most dynamic industries. This includes the sub-specialty, Clinical Research. The domain of clinical research plays a pivotal role in introducing new medicines to cure various illnesses and determines the effectiveness and safety of medications, medical equipment, and diagnostic products before they are released in the mainstream pharmaceutical market. With India becoming one of the most preferred countries for clinical trials among all Asian nations, a career in clinical research can promise a lucrative job in the country and abroad.


Five reasons why you should consider a career in Clinical Research

  • India has an attractive industry for Clinical Researchers

Clinical research in India anticipates massive growth and job opportunities, including trained medical, pharmaceutical, and paramedical professionals, project management staff, regulatory authorities, nurses, social workers, business development associates, and government. The inflow of investment and cost-efficient production and factors such as flexibility of government policies, increasing development and manufacture of medical devices and therapeutic drugs, growing perforation for health insurance are the prime drivers of the Indian market.

  • It can enable you to create an Impact!

The field can help you make a difference in people’s lives, either by preventing illnesses, curing diseases, or improving one’s quality of life. Your work may or may not lead to an immediate breakthrough; however, your efforts will never go into vain as it will help advance the research database in some form or the other. You may also be able to contribute during such unprecedented times of a novel virus like Covid-19 or tackle diseases that are through to be incurable. Directly or indirectly, you may be able to empathize with others better and add value to your work.


  • It is a path of continuous individual development and progress

This career can help push your limits and challenge yourself every day. Constant upgradation of research and technology and the ever-complex nature of the human body and illnesses will require you to adapt and innovate continuously. One also needs to possess strong decision-making skills, real-time thinking, and the right application of knowledge. Compassion, a robust belief system, and a desire to lead a positive change are the prime drivers of success. The career also has underlying stability as it is not as susceptible to a downfall as other careers.

  • You can aim to reach the Global stage

The Healthcare sector is a global forum. The impact of your research or invention can reach millions of lives across the world. With India becoming one of the largest exporters of medical supplies and numerous multinational companies sponsoring research centres in India, there is massive scope of international exposure.

  • The field is diverse and dynamic

Any job role in the clinical field will not be a monotonous 9 to 5 job. The sector is filled with multiple job roles, challenging work environments, traveling to different research areas, writing reports, knowing hundreds of people as part of clinical trials or within various companies.

As clinical research is making exceptional growth and development, there is an enormous need for qualified clinical research professionals. Hard work, practical knowledge, and good communication can help you attain stability and satisfaction in the clinical research industry.

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